Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Back in St Lucia again

Flew back to St Lucia last night after a month gainfully employed in the BVI. A late night as we did not get onto the boat until well after 10pm but in bed by 11pm so not that bad. After a good nights rest we are now preparing the boat for her sail down to Grenada and Peter has been checking all the systems and engines. He discovered a coolant leak on the main engine and spent some hours trying to replace a broken fitting but has now managed to achieve a temporary fix which will at least get us to Port Louis in Grenada where there is a good chandlery. It is amazing we did not use a drop of engine coolant all the way around the world and now she is idle we discover a leak! Have turned the fridge back on and restocked for the short passage to Grenada (around 120 miles). The plan is to leave tomorrow after lunch and arrive in Port Louis by late afternoon assuming our normal cruising speed of 5 knots. There is a bit of a weather system going through at the moment with gusty strong winds and big seas so we aim to leave when the swell has subsided a little. We have to get Trompeta to the boatyard in St David's harbour by 27 June as she is being hauled out of the water on 28 June. The month in the BVI worked out well for us and flights and boat storage and Marina costs are now covered. It was actually fun to be working again and we had a good time with some lovely people.

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