Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Trompeta back in Marigot Bay St Lucia

It has been a hectic few days since the last blog. The sail to St Lucia was quite tricky with a head wind and swell so after we past Saba Bank we had adverse current which slowed us down somewhat. Having said that we made Rodney Bay anchorage on Saturday night so that was better than last time we did the trip when it took us 3 days. Sunday morning we sailed around to Marigot Bay and Trompeta is now safely tied up and all loose items on deck stowed below. We met another couple from Gainsborough whilst we were there who have a boat called Puddlejumper which is also registered in Whitby!! The boat was actually on the dock when we stopped in Marigot Bay with World ARC and we remarked at the time it was Whitby registered but there was no one aboard. The couple that own Puddlejumper are called William and Karen and he is actually a farmer too! We met William and Karen the day we arrived as they had just flown in from London Gatwick so were a little jet lagged. However we met up with them for drinks the following evening and promised to stay in touch as they are having a holiday now with friends flying in to join them but they will also be taking their boat down to Grenada for the hurricane season and do not fly back to the UK until 23 June. We have now flown back to the BVI but return again to St Lucia on 18 June to sail to Grenada. So now it is back to work again and soon getting into the swing of things here. It is lovely to be back amongst friends and we are enjoying the socialising!

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