Saturday, June 22, 2013

Still in St Lucia

We set sail early Friday morning and had to motor sail as there was NO wind!! Unfortunately we only got as far as the Pitons when Peter realised the engine turbocharger was over heating and we were seriously low on oil. Topped up the oil and put in a call to the local Volvo Penta technician who was able to offer some advice and it seemed the mechanism that oiled the turbocharger may be sticking. So Peter decided the only sensible option was to turn around and head back into Marigot Bay Marina so a technician can check out the engine. Very disappointing that after all the miles we have done using the engine it should be a problem now. So to treat ourselves we booked into the Marina Hotel (discounted rate for boat owners) and had a good nights sleep with full AC for a cool night with no mossies! Breakfast was included so we have been set up for the day now. The Volvo technician is due at 11am to look at our engine and fingers crossed it is nothing too serious and we can get underway for Grenada tomorrow morning.

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