Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Goodbye World ARC boats

Saturday saw the start of ARC Europe and we waved goodbye to 4 World ARC boats all heading back to England/Europe. One boat is heading back to the USA with the Atlantic Cup which sails to Bermuda with the rest of ARC Europe boats. It was a good send off at Nanny Cay with 10 World ARC boats in total in Nanny Cay Marina. The only remaining boats in Nanny Cay Sunday morning were Trompeta, Zoe and Anastasia. We all agreed to meet for traditional Sunday lunch at Brandywine Restaurant and we sailed Trompeta around to Brandywine Bay and dropped anchor in the bay to dinghy ashore to the restaurant. It was a good job we left Nanny Cay early as when we unpacked the dinghy and blew her up she had developed another leak!! So after much swearing and cursing Peter was able to glue the seam up and stick another patch on the dinghy. It was the opposite aft end that had leaked in Grenada so he is now well practised! Anyway we made it on time to the restaurant and were just enjoying our drinks when Phil & Andrea turned up in their hire car with Ed & Zoe as passengers. We all enjoyed a lovely roast beef and Yorkshire pudding lunch with extra yorkies!! Phil and Andrea are leaving Anastasia in Nanny Cay for 3 weeks whilst they fly home to England to sort out some stuff before returning end May to sail up the East coast of the USA. Ed & Zoe are sailing to the USVI to get a rigger to check their rig before setting off back to the USA. Ed was impressed by our rigger Isaac who did a very thorough job of inspecting our rig using a little mirror to look behind wires. He noticed a stray wire in one of our shrouds so has replaced that and has done a lot of minor rig adjustments so now we are good to go back to Grenada. Unfortunately he is very busy so was unable to do a rig check on Zoe until next week and Ed did not want to wait that long as he has a family reunion to get home for! So Trompeta is in good shape with only minor things to fix like the automatic bilge pump which has been driving Peter crazy as he tries all sorts of ways to stop it tripping. It is probably down to an incompetent Electrician in South Africa who spent all day putting in a switch. We are renting a storage unit here in Road Town BVI so we can take surplus clothes and personal items off Trompeta before we sail back to St Lucia on 15 May. Work commitments mean we are busy from 24 May to 16 June then we fly back to St Lucia to sail Trompeta down to Grenada for hauling out on 1 July. Our flight back to London is booked for 2 July so timing is tight! At least we have some work which means money coming in again for a change and we should comfortably cover our flight costs. So now we have a few days relaxing and enjoying the BVI whilst we prepare our boat for the next stage of her journey!!

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