Saturday, March 30, 2013

Le Phare Bleu

Today we left St Davids Harbour and moved around to Le Phare Bleu where there is a small Marina and a few shops. We picked up one of their mooring buoys which are really for hurricane use only but were allowed one night. Dinner was a lovely tuna steak with salad and potatoes at the restaurant. On the way over to the Marina restaurant the dinghy outboard suddenly stopped but fortunately we were nearly there and coasted onto the dock. It took Peter several minutes to find out a spark plug connection was at fault so thankfully we did not have to row back as it was against the wind and tide! There is another World ARC boat here Mr Blues who was attempting to get his repaired rudder back onto his boat. He was unlucky enough to hit a reef coming into Le Phare Bleu. It got too dark to continue but the owner Willi is hopeful tomorrow morning another diver can go down to do the job. Tomorrow we will move again to the next bay Clarkes Court Bay where there is several small marinas and shops. Hopefully we can pick up WiFi from the boat again.

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