Saturday, February 9, 2013

Salvador Carnival

Last night we went to take part in the famous Salvador Carnival. Caroline (Peat Smoke) had organised tickets for a Balcony in a prime position to see all the floats as they went past in the parade. A minibus picked up 12 of us from the Marina including Phil & Andrea with Daniel(Anastasia) Janet & Mark (At Last) with 2 friends plus Caroline & David with Hilary (Peat Smoke) plus Trompeta crew. We arrived a little early to get in so we had to queue for maybe 20 minutes before we were allowed into the Balcony area. Everyone had an identical T shirt as part of their package so the staff knew you had paid plus a pass ticket. It was not cheap at around £660 equivalent for the two of us. Men pay more than women as it is all inclusive food and drink they assume men will consume more. The drinks were mainly vodka or whisky or beer plus soft drinks. There were plenty of waiters bringing drinks around constantly. The food chice was amazing as there was a buffet meal plus burgers or pizza or sushi plus cold buffet and fruit with a chocolate fondue for dessert - delicious! The Carnival itself is huge with large trucks carrying a band and singer and sometimes dancers with many many people walking the streets in front and behind of each float. The music was so loud!!! Your whole body seemed to vibrate. There were a lot of 20 somethings in the Balcony which was surprising given the price of the tickets as it is not cheap. There were cheaper options but we decided to go the whole hog and go for the most expensive and best option available. The Balcony had a disco performing constantly apart from when a float actually went by and it was all being televised. The Balcony had a room where you could go and get a massage plus your hair braided. There was even a beach with lounger chairs on the ground floor. The Balcony accomodated 1500 people so it was very busy all the time. As a group we decided by 1am we would have had enough so arranged with our driver to pick us up at this time. The drivers buddy actually met us outside the Balcony and escorted us across the crowded streets back to the bus as the Carnival was still going on so we formed a human chain all holding hands so no one got left behind! So we were back at the Marina just after 2AM which meant we could have a good sleep in this morning. Today we are getting the boat ready to go exploring in the bay tomorrow whilst Carnival continues unitil 13 February. We then come back to Terminal Nautico Marina to clear out and cruise up the coast. We do not have to be in Forteleza until 6 March so have plenty of time to make the 900 odd mile trip. Yesterday we went to the supermarket to provision so the boat is stocked up ready to go! Think we will be in convoy with a few boats joining us.

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