Saturday, January 5, 2013

Farewell South Africa

Today we leave Cape Town for our 1700nm sail to St Helena on the way to Brazil. There was a Rally farewell party on Thursday night here at the Royal Cape YC which was very well attended by all the crews including those from the V&A Marina who had come over on two buses for the event. There was a free bar and lots of lovely scrummy food served on platters which could be eaten with fingers while holding a drink. Several people had cameras so maybe some photos will end up on the World Cruising website! So today peter is doing last minute preparations on deck whilst I bake bread this morning. We expect to head out of the Marina around 10am ready for the start at 11am. The first 48 hours will be the trickiest with swell and wind then we should have a good downwind sail all the way tp St Helena with steady trade winds. Next blog will be from St Helena!!

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