Sunday, December 16, 2012

Table Mountain

Today we went up to Table Mountain in a cable car and walked along the flat top to enjoy some spectacular views of the surrounding countryside. Table Mountain is made of orange sandstone as it was formed under the sea about 600 million years ago.The most common animal up on the mountain is the dassie or Rock Hyrax who like to sun themselves on the warm rocks. They look like fat brown rabbits minus the floppy ears! We were lucky enough to see one before he crept under the rocks to hide. There are lots of different species of plants up on the mountain including the King Protea South Africa's national flower. The Cape's original Khoi San inhabitants named the mountain 'Hoerikwaggo' meaning 'Mountain of the Sea'. The first European to climb table Mountain Antonio de Saldanha called it 'Taboa de Caba' or 'Table of the Cape'. This is the oldest mountain in the world being at least 6 times older than the Himalayas. This week we are planning a lot more trips as we spend time in our Apartment whilst the boat is out of the water. Peter is looking forward to a proper bed for a few nights!!

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