Thursday, October 25, 2012

Exploring Mauritius

Monday we went on the World ARC tour of Mauritius where a bus took us to some visitor attractions in the North of the island. We visited an old colonial house Chateau Labourdonnais and admired the largely Dutch syle house. Also visited L'Aventure de Sucre which was a former sugar mill which has been turned into a museuem. There was the opportunity to taste different sugars and rum drinks. Lunch was provided and this was an Indian curry and rice followed by a strange dessert which although tasty had a weird composition like globules of gelatine! After lunch we visited the Botanical gardens and saw many different tree species and varieties of palm tree. The tour was interesting as we drove through many different parts of Mauritius and saw basic shanty huts made of breeze blocks and corrugated iron up to luxurious mansions!! Last night we had the rally prizegiving event with local dancers entertaining us in their colourful skirts made up in colours of the Mauritius flag i.e. red,blue,yellow and green. Peter has worked his way through the jobs to do list and Trompeta is now ready to leave tomorrow at 12 noon. Today I am trying to book some accomodation in Cape Town South Africa so when the boat is out of the water we can stay in a luxury waterfront apartment. Bliss!!

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