Friday, April 13, 2012

Marina Taina

Have now arrived at Marina Taina just outside the main town of Papeete in Tahiti. We got to the Marina late morning and had to drop anchor outside the main dock wall and reverse onto the dock so tied up with stern and lazy lines. Our Passerelle is now in action and using the dinghy davits we can raise it above the dock when we are not on board which is good and stops unwanted guests!

One of the best things about being here is that there is a HUGE Carrefour supermarket about 5 minutes walk away with well stocked shelves and a good range of products. Just like being in a TESCO at home!! Only difference being everything is expensive. There are some subsidised products which the French government provide financial assistance which are cheaper ( 50 tea bags £2.50). Peter came with me to see what was on offer and we were both amazed at what we can buy so provisioning to Australia will be great here (if expensive!!).

The yacht agent World ARC are using is based here in Marina Taina and he has been very helpful with information and advice. He has given Peter a list of shops and suppliers that will give us discount. He also collected our parcel from Fischer Panda for the generator so Peter can replace the parts.

We are booked into this Marina until 24 April but may stay longer as Peter wants to get the boat hauled out of the water again to check a crack in the skeg whcih supports the rudder so is fairly crucial to our safety!

The World ARC have a rendezvous in Papeete at the main town quay but we have been told by another skipper that it is noisy and unattractive so as this is on 25/26 April we may just get a bus/taxi to Papeete from the Marina here rather than move the boat.

Busy day yesterday with me doing two big laundry loads and shopping. Good job Peter took us out for dinner last night at the Marina restaurant which was very good and not too expensive (bottle Pinot Grigio £24 steak £18).

Today is a big jobs on the boat day!!

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