Sunday, January 8, 2012

World ARC Start Day!!!!

Well it has finally arrived and today is the start of our world trip. The start time is mid day local time which is 4pm UK time. All the boats congregate in the bay outside the Marina and pass through an officially designated start point. Our Yellow Brick tracker device is now fitted and working so you will be able to see exactly where we are at any time by going to the World Cruising website and clicking on World Arc 2012-13 then look at the fleet viewer.

Everyone went to a farewell reception last night hosted by the St Lucia Tourist Board and free drinks and canapes were provided to all the boat crews. A very enjoyable night was had by all.

So.......we are off today and next stop is the San Blas Islands where we check into Panama. The distance is 1100 miles and we have estimated it will take us 7 days (I think this is optimistic but we will see!!). We need to average a boat speed of 6.5 knots to achieve the ETA. Hmmm? Our previous trips have us averaging 5 to 6 knots max. Oh well perhaps there will be lots of wind - the forecast is 20-28 knots which is quite brisk!

Anyway next blog is likely to be before we go through the Panama Canal from Shelter Bay Marina as there is no WiFi in remote San Blas Islands. Our transit date through the canal is 29 Jan and we have to be in Shelter Bay Marina Panama by 28 Jan.

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