Friday, December 2, 2011

Anegada this weekend!

Have nearly completed all the work we wanted to do on the boat here in the BVI so we are giving ourselves the weekend off and going to sail up to Anegada which is our favourite island here and is famous for their lobster.

It will be interesting to see if we can get into the anchorage as it is quite shallow and we draw 6' 6'' so not much room under the keel when we enter!! Have not filled up with fuel deliberately so it makes us a little lighter and higher in the water. Just hope we can sail and do not have to motor or use the generator.

Expect to be back on the dock Monday night as the dock staff have said it will be OK to stay then. Have been invited for cocktails on Tuesday on Sea Leopard by Darcy & Peter as they want to give us some information about our sail down to St Lucia next weekend.

It has been really useful having good internet access here and Peter has ordered some more elctronic charts for our world cruise. Have stocked up the boat with food and drinks and just fresh stuff to get when we are ready to leave.

The weather here is VERY hot and muggy with not much breeze especially when we were on the Garden Dock getting the boat polished! It will be good to get out and get some sea breezes whilst we sail.  

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