Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday again!


Well we have been here a week already now and had a proper Sunday breakfast of boiled eggs and soldiers and the grill on the new oven works great!

Had a really good meal at a restuarant called Pier 19 last night to celebrate our Anniversary after opening the special champagne given to us by Jenny & Bill before we left England. The meal was excellent value for money at 61 Euros including wine!! Starter was spring rolls, Peter had Confit of Duck which was really cooked nicely and Jane had Sea Bream fillet dessert for Peter was a trilogy of 3 desserts!! He likes his sweets!

Back to routine jobs on the boat today so have just given the aft cabin hatch surround another coat of varnish, already it looks so much better.Peter is finally getting around to sorting out the wedges around the diesel tank.

The Marina is starting to get busy with ARC boats arriving now. We plan to leave before the end of the month when it will be busy.

Overcast start to the day but it usually gets brighter and hotter by lunchtime!

Day of rest today as it is Sunday after all!

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