Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tenerife again

We arrived yesterday at San Miguel Marina which is about 4 miles away from the main Tenerife South airport where Jenny & Bill are flying into tomorrow. So have spent the day washing down the boat as we had a quite boisterous sail across from Gran Canaria and got lots of salt water on the decks! Have discovered a small leak in the forward cabin hatch handle which Peter has now repaired by replacing the washer which was missing!

Had a lovely night Tuesday in a quiet anchorage just outside Plastito Blanco Marina which is right on the south side of Gran Canaria. It was our first night at anchor on Trompeta so now we know the anchor works and sets well so we can sleep peacefully knowing we are secure. There was no wind when we lifted the anchor at first light about 8 am and motored for 3 hours. The wind picked up late morning and we must have hit one of the acceleration zones as win speeds were up to 30 knots and the seas were quite high at probably 10 to 12 feet swells!! It was. Good job we decided to dose up on stugeron before we left just in case. We had been in Las Palmas Marina for 3 weeks so needed to get our sea legs again!

Anyway let me tell you about San Miguel which is a new Marina on the South side of Tenerife which is still not finished but fortunately no construction is actually taking place at the moment. There are lots of unfinished roads and gravel paths about. It's quiet with an amazing number of English people nearby as there is a golf resort called Pebble Beach village which I walked through today to find a cash machine. There is a club called Fairways with an English bar a bistro with typical English food. No local housing for miles as far as I can make out. The Maria is righ nex to th Golf Course so there is a strip of green grass to break up the rocky surrounding area. Lots of concrete apartments and hotels.

We have met some other sailors who live in the Marina including a comical fellow called Rick who originates from Wakefield an has a very broad Yorkshire accent! Also a young French couple called Jeremy & Ord who speak good English. There seem to be very few visiting boats and lots of small local fishing and motor boats moored here.

When we arrived last night a French skipper who helped us said h could see we had something in the propellor so a diver came this morning and retrieved a plastic sack for a charge of 30 Euros! Peter wishes we had a mask and snorkel on board so he could do this in future but our snorkel gear is in the BVI waiting for us to collect it! At least we know we are good to go now.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Last night in Las Palmas Marina Gran Canaria

Just arrived back from Salila the Catamaran on which we were entertained by Peter tonight and his daughter Liz who is here for a holiday. Also met Keith and Heather from Sookie a Sun Oddessey 54DS just like the ones we crewed in the BVI. Keith is doing the ARC with his brother in law and maybe 2 other crew. Heather is staying at home to look after the Horses and dogs and 4 children who are there at the moment!

Interesting day on the dock today as the tide was very low this morning the pontoon sliding mechanism got stuck and the dock sunk on one side (not ours!!) and there is still no electric on this side.lots of Spanish workers turned up and divers were sent in to release the jam. Eventually they blew the dock back up with compressed air and it is now level! Tides
have been quite big here just recently with a good 2 metre range.

We spent today getting yet more food and drink on board in preparation for our guests arriving soon as we are not sure what provisions will be available in San Miguel on Tenerife. Since it is quite a journey we plan to anchor overnight just outside the Marina at Pastito Blance on the south side of Gran Canaria tomorrow then leave to sail to Tenerife and San Miguel Marina. The Marina is convenient for the Tenerife South airport which is where Jenny and Bill arrive on Friday lunchtime. Jenny has promised Yorkshire tea which is just as well as we are down to our last box!!

Weather is a degree hotter in the south of Gran Canaria so it will be very hot there! The temperature topped 31 degrees C today!

Anyway it will be good to get sailing again and have a fresh change of scenery as we have been here 3 weeks already! Time really does fly when you are having fun!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Experienced our first bit of rain yesterday since arriving! We had almost forgotten what it is like?!? Mainly during the night so it reminded us of being back in the BVI where you often get night squalls and showers. Anyway it has done th ground good as everything was so dry. It has also freshened the air so that is pleasant too.

My task today is laundry as all the bedsheets and towels need washing so will take them to the laundrette as I is easier to handle the bulk then. I also hav another task if stitching the ends of our new bedsheets or rather lengths of cotton as we could not find what we wanted in the store. The material came from a huge haberdashery shop which sold everything a dressmaker could want! You just do not see these in England anymore.

The World Cruising Club have allocated a blog for us to write text and upload pictures so next month when we get nearer to our crossing I will start using the official daily log which can be found on the World Cruising site under World ARC 2012/13 Daily Logs then look for Trompeta!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Still in Las Palmas

We have booked another week here in the Marina. Several reasons really apart from the fact it is cheap! The fridge and freezer seemed to run best when the battery charger was switched on whereas they should run a couple of days just on the battery. Peter opened up the wiring box and found some wires needed replacing so with the help of Adrian an English electrician who is on a Contessa 32 called Blue Moon he was able to remedy this. Fridge is now working as it should so should keep everything cold whilst we are at sea!

Have heard from Jenny to say she and Bill have a week off work early October so they are flying out to Tenerife (south) on 30 Septmber to join us at San Miguel Marina as it is near to the airport. They will stay 3/4 nights on the boat then in a hotel for the rest of the week.

We had intended to go to Mogan and anchor outside the Marina (which we understand is expensive)as the South West coastline is supposed to be very scenic but after talking to another sailor Ludo, who is a Belgian but speaks good English as he worked in London for 2 years,we changed our mind as the swell can affect the anchorage.We may get a bus to take a look at this coast instead.

So we have taken the extra days here to do more little jobs like getting sail numbers made and replacing the zip in a cockpit cushion which had come apart. Hopefully the sail loft can do these before th weekend!

Peter found a really good shop yesterday with a huge selection of tools and hardware and he got really excited about the choice!! We may get some extra mossie netting as the screens are starting to wear and may need replacing at some stage.The sunshade in the aft cabin now does not slide as the spring went whilst cleaning it! At least the mossie side works!

Entertained another Peter who is on a Catamaran here and doing the ARC and Ludo the Belgian on Sunday night just for drinks and nibbles which made a nice change.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Departure looms

We visited the largest supermarket here yesterday to stock up on all non perishable items for our Atlantic crossing. Just like Tesco they do free delivery to the boat so we had a trolley full of goods which were left at the store only to be delivered a couple of hours later! Service indeed!

Peter has managed to obtain all the bits he needed from the Chandlery so we are good to go. Just need to collect our sail numbers from the sail loft tomorrow and we are kitted out ready to leave.

We now have a fan in each cabin so sleeping will be easier when in the Caribbean. Peter just needs to work out how to fit the two fans left in the saloon and it will make it cooler all round.

It has been very hot here in the afternoons so we try and do all our jobs, cleaning, shopping etc in the mornings before the sun gets too high.

Our German neighbours on Twelve Moons have left today to fly back home to Germany. So now we have no neighbours and life is good!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

ARC Boats continue to arrive

We have a new neighbour today. Yesterday a Hanse 545 called Twelve Moons was brought in alongside us with a German couple Stefan @ Christine aboard. Twelve Moons is doing the World ARC too!! The couple tell us they are leaving the boat at the end of this week to fly home and will return in November. They speak good English which is just as well as our German is minuscule!

Last Sunday we took a very long walk around the town and came across a lovely park with loads of lavender plants and smelt fresh and clean. There is obviously a shortage of water as the fountain had been turned off and the irrigation system was not working either. It was a contrast to all the buildings here.

The supermarkets take some getting used to as they do not stock everything you find in Tesco! I tried to find dried fruit today for a cake and no luck at all. The locals obviously like toffee and caramel as there is a big choice of Dulche de Leche and Creme Caramel products. Managed to find dried yeast today but expensive at nearly 2 Euros for 5 sachets. Will hav to ask Mike to bring some out from England when he comes.

The weather is always overcast in the mornings but by lunchtime the sun is out and the beach is getting busy with mostly local people from mid afternoon when they finish work. The people we see are very active lots of runners and cyclists ( there are cycle lanes on all main pavements) and we have seen a lot of fitness centres and pilates classes advertised.

We are having another maintenance day. A least I have finished my varnishing job as applied the 3rd coat of varnish yesterday! Now it is Peter's turn so he has just gone into town to the hardware store.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday again!


Well we have been here a week already now and had a proper Sunday breakfast of boiled eggs and soldiers and the grill on the new oven works great!

Had a really good meal at a restuarant called Pier 19 last night to celebrate our Anniversary after opening the special champagne given to us by Jenny & Bill before we left England. The meal was excellent value for money at 61 Euros including wine!! Starter was spring rolls, Peter had Confit of Duck which was really cooked nicely and Jane had Sea Bream fillet dessert for Peter was a trilogy of 3 desserts!! He likes his sweets!

Back to routine jobs on the boat today so have just given the aft cabin hatch surround another coat of varnish, already it looks so much better.Peter is finally getting around to sorting out the wedges around the diesel tank.

The Marina is starting to get busy with ARC boats arriving now. We plan to leave before the end of the month when it will be busy.

Overcast start to the day but it usually gets brighter and hotter by lunchtime!

Day of rest today as it is Sunday after all!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Wedding Anniversary!!


Well yesterday we had another visit from the Rigger and bad news - apparently one of the cap shrouds is definitely showing signs of rust in a very small crack ( so small we had to use the magnifying glass!) anyway the advice is to change it completely so new wire was put in today. Peter called Jerry the Rigger in England to ask about warranty as all our rigging is brand new! He says the piece will have to go back to Selden in Sweden so the Riggers here will save the offending piece of rig for him to collect when he comes out to Las Palmas in November to inspect the ARC boats.Peter also had a new jammer fitted to the mast so we reckon all in all the rigger is going to want about 750 Euros so Peter has just gone off the find out the damage!!

It is our Anniversary today so we will treat ourselves to our first meal out since we arrived here in Las Palmas. There is a nice place overlooking the Marina so we will probably go there tonight.

Last night was quite noisy as the music from the night club could be heard until the early hours of this morning! All quiet and peaceful again apart from the regular ambulance sirens as the main hospital is just across from the Marina so all ambulances go there.

Yesterday we met an English guy called Brian who has a little wooden boat anchored outside the Marina and has lived on his boat for 12 years!! He has an Avon dinghy ( same brand as ours ) but a lot older and he says his valves are worn so that is why he dinghy des not hold air. Peter helped him lift the dinghy over he wall last night and he says there is a hole in the dinghy which is quite big! Brian told us he used to have a girlfriend with him but she was fed up of not being able to wear dresses etc so it did not last. He told us the flour here is OK to make bread he uses it and it works so will have to try today. We bought a couple of bags yesterday to experiment with.

Mike has e mailed to say he flies out to meet us in Tenerife on 15 October so in the meantime it is just the two of us! We have booked another week in the Marina as the spare Carr ends Peter needs are not due to arrive until Friday . It will cost 100 Euros to get them sent express delivery but Peter needs them so we will just pay.

Have a few tasks to do today - nothing too taxing- Peter is going to find the shower filter so he can remove my hairs which are making the pump slow to empty the tray. I will sand down and varnish the hatch surround in our cabin which will involve removing all bedding first so dust does not get into the sheets!!

Looking forward to a pleasant afternoon in the sun and a good meal out! Cheers to all at home!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Boat Maintenance

The last couple of days have kept Peter busy on the boat. We had a rigger from Alisios Sailing Centre (recommended to us by Jerry the Rigger) go up the mast to check all is well with our rig.He has seen a small bit of rust on the cap shroud which they are coming to fix today. Also making us a new jammer for the mast as there is only one at present. Have ordered some plastic carr ends for the spinnaker carr as the old one we have has cracked ends. We got a new spinnaker carr for the new pole from Jerry the Rigger and that seems OK. It seems they have to order the carr ends from Sweden so may take a week to arrive! Oh well it is not bad here as the price is now 10 euros a night so Peter is quite happy to stay put for a few more days. The Marina is not busy until 30 Sept when they are full. We will have moved on by then as want tio explore the scenic South West coastline.

Also having sail numbers made by Alisios which they will stick on the mainsail when ready. Apparently it is recommeded you have sail numbers if you sail offshore. Our number is GBR2819L.

Visited the local fruit and fresh produce market on Tuesday and bought some good quality stuff including some freshly ground coffee -----yum!! Prices are not bad we paid Euro 1.90 for 250g of fresh coffee; Euro 2 for 15 eggs and small canary bananas are around 68 cents a kilo. The local green beans are yummy and cheap too! Wine is 57 cents a litre for reasonable quality house red rose and white in cartons.

The largest supermarket here is Hiperdino which is well stocked with most things. Not sure about the bread flour as we found small 1Kilo bags which we think contain bread flour but Jane will have to experiment before placing an order! The supermarket will deliver free to the boat so that is good and we will do this before we leave with non perishble goods for the crossing.

Alison will be pleased to here there is even a Lidl Supermarket in Las Palmas although we have yet to locate it!

Weather remains a balmy 29 degrees C during the day and 22 degrees at night so sleeping with the hatch open each night.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Las Palmas Marina Gran Canaria


Last night was a bit tedious. The Marina Office is closed on Sunday afternoon. We had been given two keys - one for the security gates at the end of the pontoon and one for the shower block. Jane went for a shower using both keys - no problem. Peter went for a shower and before he even left the pontoon managed to get our gate key stuck in the lock - good & fast - it would not budge!! Anyway the guy on the next boat assured us no problem just tie the gate back overnight which is what we did. Ever fearful of security we decided to eat on board instead of trying the restaurant and duly retired for the night.

This morning we awoke to sounds of swearing and crashing metal! The skipper of the boat moored opposite us had found the gate closed (our key had been removed) and tried to open the gate to no avail. He put his key in the outside lock and it stuck there!! Anyway Peter to the rescue with a big screwdriver and the other skipper forced the gate open and off he went quite happy.

Peter had to report to the Marina Office to pay for our berth at 9am so he reported the incident and was duly given another gate key. In the meantime 3 officials from the Port Authority turned up to investigate and took the broken lock away. The gate is still tied open!

The Marina fee here is a very reasonable 12 Euros a night which is about £10 so not bad! You would be hard pressed to live at anchor and run the generator a few hours each day at the same cost. PLUS we have water on tap as well as electric and free WiFi so internet access at all imes - not bad at all! The shower facilities are in need of refurbishment so we will shower on board tonight.

Managed to talk to the Rigger recommended by Jerry in Hamble and he will come and check our rigging either tomorrow afternoon or sometime  Wednesday.

Peter found some bits & pieces he was looking for in   

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hamble to Tenerife - The Journey

Leaving Hamble we expected the Bay of Biscay to be the most challenging part of our journey when in fact it was the English Channel that tested our sea legs!!

Biscay was flat calm so much so that we motored for 3 days and were concerned about running out of fuel! Luckily the wind picked up once across Biscay and down the Spanish and Portugese coastline.

It was a lovely journey, not much rain, calm seas and dolphins playing in our bow wake.

Most of the trip was downwind so the new kite got tested fully. Tricky to furl unless we had the geneoa out to shield the wind. Managed to break off a strop but now repaired by stitching using a Stitching Awl.

Some rolly sloppy seas which made it difficult to stay in your bunk so Jack used the sea berth in the saloon for most of the trip.

All in all not bad for our first ocean passage!

You are now reading our newly created blog for our journey around the world on Trompeta a 42' Hallberg-Rassy sailboat which was purchased earlier this year from Transworld Yachts in Hamble. After a major refit she left Hamble Point Marina on 17 August with crew of Peter, Jane and Jack Luxton who joined us for the initial passage down to Tenerife. Arrived Santa Cruz Tenerife early hours of Tuesday 30 August for a well earned rest and to explore Santa Cruz. Having AIS on the boat was invaluable as we encountered some busy shipping lanes!!

In Santa Cruz we walked miles and miles as nothing was nearby and shopping was limited to what you could comfortably carry!! Very little by way of supplies at the 2 Chandleries Peter found some distance away. The Marina itself was comfortable and not at all busy with good clean showers and laundry facility. Jack bought us dinner on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Casino Restuarant which had a good WiFi connection as the Marina had no WiFi at all.

Met a lovely Irish couple on Jiliana another HR 42 who live in the Canaries so were a useful source of local information. They also donated a old cockpit cushion to us for a sun lounger as they had just had a new set of cream (??) cushions made!

After two nights in the Marina on our own again we decided to depart early Saturday to sail across to Gran Canaria and check out the facilities in Las Palmas Marina which is where the ARC depart later in November. The Marina must have good chandleries?

Left Santa Cruz Tenerife 7am Saturday 3 September and arrived in Las Palmas on Gran Canaria 5pm. The pilot book we have is well out of date as lots of information is incorrect. We tried calling up onVHF channel 9 to no answer (the Marina use 11 now!) and tied up on the fuel dock (as Pilot book advised) to be told to move to the pontoon outside the Port Authority office. Anyway all seems well and now in a berth stern to having picked up lazy lines for the bow on pontoon S which is near the North side of the Marina. Have walked around and found there are many shops and chandleries with a delightful restaurant overlooking the Marina which we will try tonight!

Lazy, lazy Sunday.