Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Trompeta is up for sale

Had a meeting with Brian Duff yesterday the yacht sales broker from BVI Yacht Sales. He has taken lots of photos of Trompeta and will add these to her listing details which are already on their website. We have been over to check on Trompeta every day and she seems OK. It is a very sheltered and protected dock so the strong winds of the last few days have not been a problem. We hope to have a buyer soon as the broker already has two interested people and she has only just gone on the market!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

BVI again

We sailed Trompeta from Grenada to St Lucia overnight Friday and anchored off Pigeon Island Rodney Bay St Lucia on Saturday night. Good sail from St Lucia to Dominica and made Portsmouth by early evening but it was dark so it was a good thing we were greeted by Titus a boat boy who led us safely to a mooring buoy. Dominica still has one of the lowest charges for moorings at US$10 per night! Next morning we left at first light to sail up to Guadeloupe. Made the anchorage at Pigeon Island mid afternoon in good light which is just as well as the approach was littered with fishing pots so not a good place to enter motoring in the dark! The anchorage was alright even if the wind did turn us around during the night as the anchor was well set. Another early start the following day to make the last 200 odd miles up to the BVI and the wind was very light and right behind us so a poled out genoa was the best option which meant it was slow so we did motor for a large part of the journey. We reached the BVI through Salt Island passage and dropped anchor in Road Harbour at 10pm Wednesday night. The next day Peter cleared in with customs and paid our US$200 to import Trompeta for a year. We now have to empty the boat ready for sale. Trompeta is now on a dock adjacent to Village Cay which is a short dinghy ride away from Heartbeat our charter boat at The Moorings.